Reimagine your Life & Career
Career tips, mental wellness tools, and life hacks to help you to better understand yourself, believe that you can do anything, and get to know your life purpose.
Rebuild Your Life After Divorce
Divorce doesn’t have to be the end. It can be the beginning of a beautiful life. If you are going through a divorce or in an unhealthy relationship where you are living in the shadow of someone else, there is hope. Your voice matters. Your gifts are meant to be shared with others. This is my story. Let’s discover yours!
Job shopping or exploring all things you?
Do you find yourself searching every year or two for a new role? Are you always looking for a new challenge and then when you land in a role, you regret it and realize it isn’t a good fit?
Job shopping may seem like the only way to figure out what you want, but my Career Counseling can help you to figure out what you are meant to do and will save you precious time and money.
10 things to do to become more Authentic
Most of us were raised to "fit in" and not stray too far from the norm.
We may not have learned how to think independently, to accept our differences, or to feel confident with the mind and body that we were given. Being truly authentic doesn't come naturally for most people.
Here are ten things to do to become authentic today.
Start your journey
Learn more about my Career Services today.